CT Specifications Guide

Positional and Structural Attributes

POSIT. word the token mangia ... ... ...
lemma the lemma to which the token has been brought back mangiare cf. separate list
pos the Part of Speech with its Hierarchy-Defining Features (HDF) v.m.f.ind.pr cf. FD 1 hereunder
kat the Morphosyntactic Features (MSF) codes
the Hierarchy-Collapsed Features (HCF) codes
cf. FD 2 hereunder
cf. FD 1 hereunder
typ the structure of a (portion of a) text: {prose; verse; rubrica}. Crossreferenced with type /P/P /V /R
genre the literary genre of a text: {documentary, didactic, historical, narrative, lyric} nar doc; did; stor; nar; lir
msform the unaltered token really appearing in manuscript magia ... ... ...
philform the philological emendation, with the usual diacritics (round & square brackets, italics) ma(n)gia; ma[n]gia; ma¦n¦gia cf. list hereunder
STRUCT. author the author of a text Anonimo cf. CT texts hereunder
title title of a text Novellino cf. CT texts hereunder
chapter chapter number n ... ... ...
par paragraph number n ... ... ...
s sentence number n ... ... ...
line line number (of the page) n ... ... ...
page page number (of the printed edition) n ... ... ...
type crossreference with typ /P /P /V /R

Feature Declaration (FD) 1: POS & HDF

kat (HCF) pos (HDF)
Tagset noun 20n.c noun.common
21 n.p noun.proper
adjective 26adj adjective
pro-det 30pd.dem.s pro-det.demonstrative.strong
31 pd.dem.w pro-det.demonstrative.weak
32 pd.idf pro-det.indefinit.
33 pd.pos.s pro-det.possessive.strong
34 pd.pos.w pro-det.possessive.weak
35 pd.int pro-det.interrogative
36 pd.rel pro-det.relative
37 pd.per.s.no pro-det.personal.strong.nominative
38 pd.per.s.ob pro-det.personal.strong.oblique
39 pd.per.w.ob pro-det.personal.weak.oblique
40 pd.exc pro-det.exclamative
adverb 45adv.gn adverb.general
46 adv.pc adverb.particle
conjunction 50conj.co conjunction.coordinative
51 conj.sb conjunction.subordinative
adposition 56adp.pre adposition.preposition
57 adp.post adposition.postposition
article 60art.d article.determinative
61 art.i article.indeterminative
numeral 64num.car numeral.cardinal
65 num.ord numeral.ordinal
interjection 68intj interjection
punctuation 70punct.fi punctuation.final
71 punct.nfi punctuation.non-final
residuals 75r.frg residual.foreign
76 r.abb residual.abbreviation
77 r.for residual.formulae
78 r.epe residual.epenthesis
verb (main) 111 v.m.f.ind.pr verb.main.finite.indicative.present
112 v.m.f.ind.ipf verb.main.finite.indicative.imperfect
113 v.m.f.ind.pt verb.main.finite.indicative.past
114 v.m.f.ind.ft verb.main.finite.indicative.future
115 v.m.f.sub.pr verb.main.finite.subjunctive.present
116 v.m.f.sub.ipf verb.main.finite.subjunctive.imperfect
117 v.m.f.cnd.pr verb.main.finite.conditional.present
118 v.m.f.imp.pr verb.main.finite.imperative.present
121 v.m.nf.inf.pr verb.main.non-finite.infinitive.present
122 v.m.nf.par.pr verb.main.non-finite.participle.present
123 v.m.nf.par.pt verb.main.non-finite.participle.past
124 v.m.nf.ger.pr verb.main.non-finite.gerunde.present
verb (auxiliar) 211 v.a.f.ind.pr verb.auxiliar.finite.indicative.present
212 v.a.f.ind.ipf verb.auxiliar.finite.indicative.imperfect
213 v.a.f.ind.pt verb.auxiliar.finite.indicative.past
214 v.a.f.ind.ft verb.auxiliar.finite.indicative.future
215 v.a.f.sub.pr verb.auxiliar.finite.subjunctive.present
216 v.a.f.sub.ipf verb.auxiliar.finite.subjunctive.imperfect
217 v.a.f.cnd.pr verb.auxiliar.finite.conditional.present
218 v.a.f.imp.pr verb.auxiliar.finite.imperative.present
221 v.a.nf.inf.pr verb.auxiliar.non-finite.infinitive.present
222 v.a.nf.par.pr verb.auxiliar.non-finite.participle.present
223 v.a.nf.par.pt verb.auxiliar.non-finite.participle.past
224 v.a.nf.ger.pr verb.auxiliar.non-finite.gerunde.present
verb (modal) 311 v.md.f.ind.pr verb.modal.finite.indicative.present
312 v.md.f.ind.ipf verb.modal.finite.indicative.imperfect
313 v.md.f.ind.pt verb.modal.finite.indicative.past
314 v.md.f.ind.ft verb.modal.finite.indicative.future
315 v.md.f.sub.pr verb.modal.finite.subjunctive.present
316 v.md.f.sub.ipf verb.modal.finite.subjunctive.imperfect
317 v.md.f.cnd.pr verb.modal.finite.conditional.present
318 v.md.f.imp.pr verb.modal.finite.imperative.present
321 v.md.nf.inf.pr verb.modal.non-finite.infinitive.present
322 v.md.nf.par.pr verb.modal.non-finite.participle.present
323 v.md.nf.par.pt verb.modal.non-finite.participle.past
324 v.md.nf.ind.pr verb.modal.non-finite.gerunde.present

Feature Declaration (FD) 2: MSF

kat (MSF)
MSF person 1pers=1 position 1
2 pers=2
3 pers=3
gender 4gend=masc position 2
5 gend=fem
4;5 gend=c
number 6numb=sg position 3
7 numb=pl
6;7 numb=n
degree 8degr=pos position 4
9 degr=comp
10 degr=sup
multiword 11-19 loc=11-19 position 5

CT texts

author title genre type
CT Texts MaestroRinuccino Sonetti lir/V
BonoGiamboni LibroViziVirtù did/P
BonoGiamboni TrattatoViziVirtù did/P
BrunettoLatini Favolello did/V
BrunettoLatini Tesoretto did/V
BrunettoLatini Rettorica did/P
Anonimi CapitoliCompagniaSanGilio(Statuti84) doc/P
DanteAlighieri VitaNuova lir/P /V
Anonimi CapitoliCompagniaMadonnaOrsanmichele(Statuti94/97) doc/P
ConsiglioDe'Cerchi Lettera doc/P
Consiglio&LapoDe'Cerchi Lettera doc/P
CastraGualfredi&c LibroDareEdAvere doc/P
LapoRiccomanni LibroDareEdAvere doc/P
Anonimo FioreDiFilosafi nar/P
Anonimi LibroOrdinamentiCompagniaSMariaCarmine(Statuti80) doc/P
Anonimo CronicaFiorentina stor /P
Anonimo VolgarizzamentoDisciplinaClericalis nar/P
Anonimo Novellino nar/P /V
GuidoCavalcanti(?) DueBallate(I'Vidi/SolPerPietà) lir/P
GuidoCavalcanti Rime lir/V
JacopoCavalcanti TreSonetti lir/V

Special conventions

Symbols ¬ logicalnot compounds Mei¬di¬donna
n\d-phonosyntax nonn¬ è, foglia¬d è
¦ brokenbar phylological italics or¦o¦
· periodcenter proclisis (with assimilation) de· regno, Be· ll' ho
÷ divide graphoclisis porta ÷l ÷te ÷ne
~ tilde compendia ka~ agosto
^ caret ellipsis ^^^ (corresponding to usual "...")
lacuna molto [^^^^] francamente
× multiply deperdita ××osta (unreadable characters)
* asterisk vacua die *** d' aprile (blank in ms.)
Ø Oslash zero morphemes a ÷Ø demonî 'ai demonii'
©...® copyright&register typographic italics le credenze del © Credo in Deo ®
(...) round brackets solved abbreviation mante(n)gna
[...] square brackets integration rag[g]io
{...} brace brackets graphical symbols {SN} 'signum notarii'

Nota Bene

+Graphoclitics are treated as individual tokens. They are marked by the divide (ASCII 246 = ANSI 247) "÷"
+Lemmas are introduced by the formula "lemma="
+Cassationes and expunctiones were not included in the CT texts.
+The template of annotation in CT is "token_lemma=lemma,HDF/HCF,MSF1,MSF2 ,MSF3,MSF4,MSF5"

Manuel Barbera, 29 August 2000.